Dental Implants in Secaucus, NJ

call (201) 716-0651

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants stand out as the superior choice for replacing missing teeth. Unlike conventional bridges or dentures, implants are surgically embedded into the jawbone, providing a solid base for replacement teeth that closely resemble natural ones in appearance, sensation, and function. BOOM Smiles takes pride in offering dental implant services tailored to rejuvenate your smile and boost your confidence.

Did you know…

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Unlike natural teeth, dental implants aren’t at risk for tooth decay.

Ready to see if dental implants are right for you?

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What to Expect During Your Dental Implant Procedure?

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First Visit

At your initial appointment, we'll check out your teeth and gums and discuss what you want from the treatment. Do you have questions about how it all works? Just ask! Together, we'll come up with a plan that's just right for you.

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Getting Ready

If needed, we'll take care of any problematic teeth and make sure your jawbone is good to go for the implants. Sometimes, we might need to do a bone graft to make sure the implants have a solid foundation. But don't worry, we'll make sure everything is prepped properly.

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Healing Time

After the implants are in, your gums will need to heal, and the implants will join with your jawbone. This process, called osseointegration, takes a few months. We might give you temporary teeth during this time to keep you feeling good.

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Adding the Crowns

Once everything is solid, we'll attach custom-made dental crowns or prosthetics to the implant posts. These will be designed to fit in perfectly with your natural teeth, giving you a smile that's both great-looking and functional.

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We'll give you all the information you need to take care of your new dental implants, so they last a long time. And we'll set up regular check-ups to make sure everything's going smoothly and answer any questions you might have.

Types of Dental Implants

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Endosteal Implants

These are the most prevalent type, resembling screws, cylinders, or blades. They are directly placed into the jawbone through surgery and can support one or more artificial teeth. For those currently using bridges or removable dentures, endosteal implants present an excellent option.

Subperiosteal Implants

Positioned atop the jawbone, these implants feature metal framework posts that extend through the gums to support replacement teeth. They prove beneficial for individuals who cannot wear removable dentures or lack sufficient jawbones for traditional implants. Both types of implants offer a dependable solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring both the function and aesthetics of your smile.

Did you know…

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For many patients, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Ready to schedule a consultation?

Call (201) 716-0651 To Book an Appointment

Have questions about Dental Implants? Find answers here.

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Are dental implants durable in the long term?

Dental implant provides a transformative answer for people experiencing the psychological and physical effects of tooth loss that go beyond simple aesthetics. Dental implants have a significant impact on a person's quality of life in addition to improving grin function and beauty. They allow a person to eat, speak, and interact with others with confidence and ease. Because of their long-term advantages, remarkable longevity, and natural appearance, dental implants enable people to regain their smiles and face life with a fresh lease on life and confidence.

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What is the Success rate of  dental implants?

The success rate of dental implants can vary depending on things like your overall health and how well you take care of them. But for most people who are healthy and keep up with their dental hygiene, implants have a success rate of about 90% to 95%.

Does dental implant surgery cause pain, and how can I make it feel better?

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Expect some discomfort during and after dental implant surgery, as it is a surgical procedure. However, studies suggest that most patients experience less discomfort and swelling compared to tooth extraction.

Following the surgery, you can usually manage any pain and swelling with over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Motrin. Recovery times vary, but most individuals can return to their regular activities within approximately three days. If you find that swelling and soreness persist, it's advisable to consult your surgeon.

During the recovery period, sticking to soft foods can help alleviate any discomfort as your gums heal. It may take several months for your jawbone to fully heal and integrate with the implant. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon and dentist are crucial to monitor progress and ensure the success of your dental implants.

Why is it important to choose the best dentist for dental implants, and what makes BOOM Smiles special?

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Choosing the right provider for your dental implant dentist near me, treatment is essential for achieving successful results. At BOOM Smiles, we are not only committed to your oral health but also dedicated to providing exceptional dental implant services. Our convenient location in Secaucus makes it simple to access the best dental implant dentist near you.

Can dental implants be done in one day?

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For some cases, there are several types of dental implants that can be completed in just one appointment. However, the restoration will be a temporary prosthetic to keep your bite functional and to protect the implant site until you’ve finished healing from the placement surgery. The temporary restoration ensures that you will be able to eat and speak normally during the healing process.

Healing usually lasts between 3-6 months, and during this time your dentist will schedule a series of follow-up visits. They will monitor your healing progress and take impressions of your teeth and gums, which will be sent to our dental lab. The lab will use these images to custom-craft your permanent restoration, a more durable, natural-looking prosthetic than your temporary one.

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Did you know…

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Titanium is durable, light, and biocompatible.

Ready to restore your smile?

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