Porcelain Crowns in Secaucus, NJ

What are Porcelain Crowns?

Porcelain crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made coverings that are placed over a damaged or weakened tooth. Unlike metal-based crowns, which can stand out against your natural teeth, porcelain crowns are carefully crafted to match the color, shape, and texture of your existing teeth. Porcelain crowns are a popular choice for dental restoration due to their natural appearance and durability.

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Did you know…

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porcelain crown improves smiles and restores broken teeth, among other uses

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Why Dental Crowns Are Needed?

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Recent Tooth Injury

 If you've recently suffered an injury to your tooth, a porcelain crown can help protect and restore its natural function and appearance.

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Anchor for a Dental Bridge

Porcelain crowns are commonly used as anchors for dental bridges, providing stable support for the replacement teeth.

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Cosmetic Reshaping

Do you have a crooked tooth that affects your smile? Porcelain crowns can be shaped to improve the alignment and overall appearance of your teeth.

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Replacement for Large Fillings

If you have a large filling that has come loose or fallen out, a porcelain crown can replace the filling and provide added strength to the tooth.

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Protection After Root Canal

After a root canal procedure, a tooth can become weak. A porcelain crown offers protection and reinforcement for the treated tooth.

Metal vs Porcelain Crowns

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Aesthetic Appeal

Porcelain crowns are meticulously designed to closely mimic the natural appearance of teeth. Unlike their metal counterparts, which can sometimes be noticeable due to their metallic sheen, porcelain crowns seamlessly blend with your smile. This characteristic makes them particularly ideal for front teeth, where aesthetics play a crucial role in your smile's appearance.


For individuals with metal allergies or sensitivities, porcelain crowns offer a biocompatible solution. They are crafted to ensure there are no adverse reactions, providing peace of mind for those concerned about potential allergies.

Durability and Strength

Modern advancements in dental technology have made porcelain crowns remarkably strong and durable. They are capable of withstanding the pressures of everyday chewing and biting, offering a long-lasting restoration. With proper care and maintenance, a porcelain crown can serve its purpose effectively for many years to come.

Preservation of Tooth Structure

Choosing a porcelain crown means opting for a restoration that requires less removal of healthy tooth structure compared to metal crowns. This conservative approach helps to preserve more of your natural tooth, which is beneficial for your overall oral health in the long term.

Natural Look and Feel

Perhaps the most compelling advantage of porcelain crowns is their ability to replicate the natural look and feel of teeth. When skillfully placed by a dentist like Dr. Bhumesh Hirapara at BOOM Smiles in Secaucus, porcelain crowns are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. They possess the same light-reflecting properties as enamel, ensuring your smile maintains its beauty and authenticity.

Did you know…

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Porcelain crowns are strong, natural-looking tooth restorations.

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Have questions about Porcelain Crowns? Find answers here.

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What is the treatment process for a porcelain crown?

The process of getting a porcelain crown typically involves two appointments. During the initial visit, our experienced team will prepare your tooth by removing any decayed or weakened areas. Impressions of your teeth will be taken to create a custom-fit temporary crown to protect your tooth until the final crown is ready. Once your tooth is prepared, a temporary crown will be placed using temporary cement. During this step, we will carefully check your bite to ensure proper alignment, allowing you to bite and chew comfortably while awaiting your permanent porcelain crown.

After about two weeks, you'll return for your second appointment. At this visit, your temporary crown will be removed, and your new, custom-made porcelain crown will be carefully fitted and adjusted for optimal comfort and function. Once the fit is perfect, the crown will be permanently bonded to your tooth, restoring its strength and appearance.

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Are porcelain crowns safe?

If you're considering porcelain crowns to restore your smile, you might wonder about their safety. Rest assured, both the procedure and the materials used for porcelain crowns are FDA-approved and considered safe for dental use. 

How can I maintain my dental crowns?

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Taking care of your dental crowns, whether they're porcelain or another type, is really important to make sure they last a long time and keep your teeth healthy. Even though the crowns themselves can't get cavities, it's still super important to brush and floss regularly, just like you do with your natural teeth.

Even though the crown won't get cavities, the tooth underneath can still decay if you don't take care of it. So, make sure to brush and floss to keep plaque and bacteria away. Also, remember that dental crowns can stain over time, especially if you drink things like coffee or red wine, which can stain natural teeth. Unfortunately, teeth whitening products won't work on crowns, so if you want to whiten your natural teeth, you might need to discuss with your dentist about replacing or updating your crown.

By keeping up with good brushing and flossing habits, watching what you eat and drink to avoid staining, and seeing your dentist regularly, you can keep your dental crowns in great shape and maintain a bright, healthy smile. Our dentist at BOOM Smiles in Secaucus is here to help with personalized tips and advice for caring for your crowns.

What is the Cost for porcelain crowns?

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To learn more about the cost of porcelain crowns at BOOM Smiles and to explore our affordable options, please contact our office. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Bhumesh Hirapara at BOOM Smiles in Secaucus today.

Did you know…

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Keeping up with Porcelain Crowns can last up to 30 years

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