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When Can I Start Exercising After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

When Can I Start Exercising After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

So you’ve just gone through a wisdom tooth extraction surgery and your dentist told you you’ll need to skip your usual workout routine for a while.

This may seem confusing at first, but tooth extraction is actually a more serious intervention than first meets the eye. Your body will need a bit of time to recover, and working out may affect your healing.Keep on reading to discover why you should not work out after a wisdom tooth removal, and how long you need to wait before returning to the gym.

Cliffside and Hoboken Wisdom Teeth Removal

How Long Should You Wait to Get Back Into Your Exercise Routine?

Most oral surgeons will recommend staying away from any strenuous physical activity for at least 4 days after the procedure. However, every patient is different and depending on certain circumstances, you might need to take a longer rest.

For instance, if you’ve had multiple teeth extracted at the same time, your body will need longer to recover. You may need to stay out of the gym for a week or more.
Other factors that can influence how long you’ll need to take it easy can include:

1. If you’re a smoker (smoking delays healing)

2. Medications or medical conditions that can impact healing

3. How complicated the extraction was (amount of blood loss, tissue manipulation, etc.)

Signs You Should Stop Exercising 
It’s important to ease into your exercise routine after you’ve rested from wisdom tooth surgery. For one thing, after resting your body might not be ready for an intense workout. But, taking it slow can also help you watch out for signs that you should take longer time to rest, such as:

1. Becoming dizzy or lightheaded
2. Developing a fever
3. Bleeding from the extraction site
4. Difficulty talking or chewing
5. Sutures coming apart, etc.

How BOOM Smiles Group Can Help

Some people can go their entire lives without having to pull a wisdom tooth. But if you’re not in that lucky category and are dealing with wisdom tooth issues, Dr. Bhumesh Hirapara, Dr. Ecio Pozzi, and Dr. Stephanie Jacobovitz are happy to help.

Book an appointment at BOOM Smiles Group and stop by to find out if your wisdom tooth needs extraction.

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