Cosmetic Bonding in Secaucus, NJ

What is Cosmetic Bonding ?

Cosmetic bonding is a remarkable dental procedure that employs a tooth-colored composite resin material to elevate your smile. It's designed to mend chips, close gaps, or even alter the shape and color of a tooth. What sets dental bonding apart from other cosmetic dental treatments, like porcelain veneers, is its complete reversibility.

Did you know…

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Cosmetic bonding enhances both outer appearance and inner self-esteem.

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What can a Cosmetic Bonding Address?

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Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Whether from an accident or natural wear and tear, cosmetic bonding effectively repairs chips and cracks, restoring the integrity of your teeth.

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Gaps Between Teeth

If you're self-conscious about gaps between your teeth, cosmetic bonding can expertly fill in these spaces, creating a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile.

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Stubborn stains that resist traditional whitening methods can be expertly concealed with cosmetic bonding, leaving you with a brighter, whiter smile.

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Misshapen Teeth

Whether your teeth are uneven or oddly shaped, cosmetic bonding can skillfully reshape them to create a more harmonious and beautiful smile.

The Cosmetic Bonding Procedure

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Shade Selection

Using a shade guide, we will select a composite resin material that matches the color of your natural teeth seamlessly.

Tooth Preparation

We will gently roughen the tooth's surface and apply a conditioning liquid to ensure optimal adhesion of the bonding material.

Application of Composite Resin

The composite resin, with its putty-like consistency, is expertly applied, molded, and shaped to achieve the desired aesthetic.

Curing Process

Our special curing light will then be used to harden the composite resin, securely bonding it to your tooth.

Finishing Touches

Any final adjustments to the shape and size of the bonded material will be made, followed by polishing for a natural-looking shine.

Did you know…

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Dental Bonding procedure typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes per tooth

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What are the Advantages of Dental Bonding?

At BOOM Smiles in Secaucus, choosing dental bonding for your cosmetic dental needs comes with a host of advantages:
Conservative and Minimally Invasive: Our dental bonding procedure is designed to be minimally invasive, preserving as much of your natural tooth structure as possible. Unlike porcelain veneers or crowns, bonding typically doesn't require significant enamel removal.
Affordable and Cost-Effective: We understand the importance of affordability, which is why dental bonding is one of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental options available at BOOM Smiles. Compared to other treatments like veneers or crowns, bonding offers exceptional results without breaking the bank.
Versatile Solutions for Imperfections: Whether you're dealing with chips, cracks, gaps, or discoloration, dental bonding can effectively address a wide array of cosmetic issues. Our skilled team can sculpt and shape the composite resin material to seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, giving you a flawless smile.
Efficient and Convenient: At BOOM Smiles, we value your time. Unlike procedures that require multiple appointments, dental bonding can often be completed in just one visit. This means you can walk into our office and leave with a transformed smile in a single day without sacrificing quality or results.

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What is the recovery process of dental bonding at boom smiles?

The recovery process after dental bonding is quick and easy. There is zero downtime, so you can resume all normal activities as soon as you leave our office. After your dental bonding procedure, there is no need for special care. Simply maintain good oral hygiene practices by brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and attending regular check-ups and cleanings with our team.

How to preserve dental bonding and what to do if issues arise?

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While dental bonding is a durable option, the bonding material can chip if subjected to excessive force. To ensure the longevity of your bond, it's best to avoid habits like biting your fingernails, chewing on pens, or using your teeth to open packages. If you feel any sharp edges on a bonded tooth or notice any discomfort when biting down, don't hesitate to contact our office.

Did you know…

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Bonding material can last between three and ten years before it needs to be touched up or replaced.

Ready to schedule a visit?

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